This toolbar is great! I would really recommend that you download the toolbar. Its a great way to pass time when you're bored. You just have to click the stumble button
which looks exactly like the icon on the right and it will lead you to a site which is under the category of those thing you specified you liked. To other bloggers like me,
you can click the i like it button which looks like the icon on the left to add your site to your stumbled list and people who added you as their friend can check it out. You can also post your blog in your profile so people will know you have a blog. When you stumble your site, you provide the categories, reviews, etc. Anyway, it also helps you find some cool stuff on the web which other people like and if you don't like it, just press the thumb down button on the right of the I like it button so it avoids sites like the ones you don't like. That's all for now and good day to everyone!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Stumble Upon
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Finally finished watching the series! This anime is great! I really recommend people to watch this anime. The final episodes were a bit too dramatic for my taste but all in all its a great watch. As you can probably guess, I downloaded the series from Too bad they didn't have the whole series though. They only had up to episode 21 which is a bummer but good thing TV links had the whole series which made up for the three unaccounted for episodes in veoh.
The story is about a guy named Rin who is currently living with Kaede because his parents died when he was little and Kaede's dad took him in because he was friends with Rin's parents.
His life became interesting when there were reports of 2 new students coming in to school. These 2 students were both female and one was a god while the other was a demon. These 2 students happened to know Rin when they were a child who came to earth because their fathers had business to attend to. It so happens that Rin had played with both of them when they were a child and they were lost. Because of that experience, these 2 came back and joined the school in order to get close to Rin since they had decided that they want Rin to become their husband. Anyway, just watch it for yourself since I don't want to spoil the story too much. Good day to everyone and have fun!
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
2:45 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
Took some time to watch this anime since the ordering of the episodes is kinda weird when i downloaded it. I finally finished watching it yesterday evening with the right plot order. If you watch the episodes by order, you would be confused on the story plot so i tried searching if anyone knew the right plot order and thankfully, sekai from posted about it. To people interested to know the plot order, the 'plot' order are as follows - Episode 2, 3, 5, 10, 13, 14, 4, 7, 6, 8, 1, 12, 11, 9.
Oh yeah and the story of the anime is about this guy called "Kyon" who had previously believed in aliens, espers and time travelers but was forced to acknowledge that they didn't exist as he grew up. Then in high school, Haruhi< ,who was his classmate, introduced herself to the whole class
and then she proclaimed afterwards that she wasn't interested in ordinary humans and wanted to meet aliens, espers and time travelers.That was what triggered Kyon's curiosity about her and led him to the troubles which involved haruhi.
The anime is very funny and a very good watch.The anime was awarded as "Best TV Anime series" in the Sixth Annual Tokyo Anime Awards despite its episode count only amounting to 14. If you want to watch or download then watch the anime, you can go here which is the series uploaded by sekai and his description about the anime.
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
5:37 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
O2 Jam
Another online game by e-games which is named O2 Jam. Like Dance Battle Audition, it is free to play and downloadable. The game play of this game is kinda like the beat up mode of audition
though unlike audition wherein you press numbers in the numpad signifying its direction, you press keys in the keyboard. The keys you press are sdf for the left of the
yellow key which is the space bar and jkl for the right of the yellow key. Also, in this game, there are instances wherein long bars in one key happen.
These are called "beams" and it signifies that you need to hold the key down for the length of the beam. The game is also sound intensive wherein if you press the wrong key, the song sounds different. I highly recommend this game for people who really like music. The game also helps a persons hand-eye coordination since you need to really have the timing right to get the sound right. Well, that's pretty much it for me on O2 Jam and a good day to everyone!
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
8:11 PM
Labels: download, downloads, e-games, online game
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Radio Blog Club
As you probably can see, I added some sounds on my left bar. Those sounds are from radio blog club. It's great since registration is free and you can just search for the titles of the song you like and if they have it, you can add it to your playlist. I recommend testing the sound before adding it to your playlist since some of the songs don't work. You can also use the unattach jukeblog so that it doesn't crowd your tab bar. You can unattach the juke blog by clicking favorites on the top bar of the site and when it loads, on the right side is the juke box and you can click the unattach juke box so that it would look like the picture on the right. If you want, you can check out my playlist by clicking here. You can visit the site by clicking here. That's all for now and good day!
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
6:42 PM
Labels: personal, radio blog club
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Death Note part 3
I've just finished watching up to episode 28 of Death note and I can truly say that even though many characters died (I won't say who so i don't spoil people who would want to watch)
it got more interesting with additional characters and story plot. Too bad it left me seriously hanging but i can't complain as I don't have a way to download any further episodes of the anime. Truly a great watch if you like detective-type animes. If you want to know where i downloaded episodes 1-28, it came from veoh. The link to the site can be found at the right in my favorite sites.
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
6:00 PM
Labels: anime, death note, download, downloads, veoh
Warcraft 3
Warcraft... I can truly say that this is one of the classic PC games of all time.
One of the best Lan games to play even as time goes on. I can without a doubt say that and many would agree with me that this game is truly one of the best. One of the games that was created by Blizzard. This game even sprung up a MMORPG namely World of Warcraft. I can say that very few games are able to boast that. The more amazing thing is how players keep the game alive by creating maps that encourage strategy and teamwork.
Probably one of the most played maps in warcraft is the well-known "Defense of the Ancients" or better known as "DotA". If curiosity leads you to ask how you can get the map so you can try it for yourself, you can download the map in this site. There have also been popularized types of maps which people concentrate on creating. The ones i know of are: Castle Defense, Tower Defense, RPG, Maul, Hero Arena, Hero Wars, Footman Frenzy. Without a doubt, buying a cd of this game is truly worth it. I'm not sure if there are sites wherein you can download the game for free but i only know of sites which have patches and cd cracks in them. If you want, you can find warcraft 3 maps here. That's all for now and good day.
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
3:45 AM
Labels: games, network games, Warcraft 3
Monday, May 14, 2007
Ragnarok Online
This is, I believe, the first ever MMORPG that was released here in the philippines. It was released by LEVEL UP! GAMES or LUG as it is better known as. This is also the first MMORPG that I played. I believe this game was based from norse mythology since the servers and some aspects of the game have reference to norse gods.
Frankly, it started out great. The game was great, the people playing the game was great, well you get the point. As the game progressed it was forced to create more servers since the first server they made which was named Chaos was already jam packed to the point that some people couldn't enter and the game became so laggy. Currently, they are having a server merge which would make 7 servers become only 3 servers namely Baldur, Tyr and Freya. For more information about the server merge, visit this site. The creator of the site is popularly known as waukeen in Ragnarok Online Philippines. He is currently the Ragnarok Brand Manager of LUG. Another reliable source of Ragnarok news is GM Tristan who is the head of marketing at LUG. Check his site out by clicking here. For more info about the game, click here.
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
9:39 PM
Labels: games, MMORPG, online game
Veoh Videos
This site is kinda like youtube without the "Google" buying it. For me, it is actually better than that of youtube since they have this veoh player that you can download once you sign up for them.
This player can download videos from their site which is great for people like me whose connection is unpredictable and has time to download. I'm not sure if you can download from other sites too since i still haven't tried that yet. I can guarantee that the videos that you download from their site and watch, may it be in the veoh player or not, is very good. I'm not sure how long this site has been running but I just found this site recently through the help of a friend who referred me to a site which has some videos from this site. Hopefully, the site won't be affected by stronger companies like what happened to youtube since i kinda like the privelage of being able to download videos and not waiting for it to load to watch. Well that's all for now and if you want to go to their site, Click HERE. Hope everyone has a nice day ahead of them. ^_^
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Friday, May 11, 2007
The Evil Empire
This site is great! Well, to be more accurate, forums :P They provide people with a site to download english translated mangas for a few things in exchange. These things are only these: post 10 non-spam posts on the forums, be a reponsible and reasonable member, post in the right forums. I think that's all. Oh yeah, and read the important threads there before doing anything since there are threads there that help if you have problems. Anyway, the staff and the mods are friendly so if you have any problems you can ask them for help. Oh yeah, there's a wish thread wherein you could wish for a manga, anime or anime ost, e-books, artbooks. The only requirment to be able to use the wish thread is to have 25 non-spam posts on the forums. Oh and if you want, you can visit the forums by clicking HERE. That's all and good day! ^_^
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
4:45 AM
Labels: anime, download, downloads, manga downloads, personal
claiming my blog
Technorati Profile
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
3:58 AM
Labels: personal
This is an online game named Dance Battle Audition. It is one of the few free downloadable games by e-games here in the philippines. This game is quite unique since there are many modes of playing to choose from. While you level with other people and get better, you get den(game money) so you could change the way your avatar looks depending on your tastes. There is also another way you could dress your avatar and that is by buying top up cards using real money and loading them into your account so you could gain ePoints. There are currently four game modes available to play and those are: normal mode, beat up mode, battle party mode, and one-two party mode.
The normal mode is pretty much like bust a groove from the playstation console where in you need to press in the keyboard the arrows within 4 seconds and in the 5th second instead of pressing o, x, triangle, or square on the controller, you press the space bar in
the keyboard. The second mode is the beat up mode. it is pretty much like o2jam only that you use the numpad. The arrows represent the number 7 for upper left arrow, 4 for left arrow, 1 for lower left arrow, 3 for lower right arrow, 6 for right arrow, 9 for upper right arrow. You also use the space bar so that your character would dance.
The 3rd mode is the battle party mode. In this mode, you to have 5 characters plus the one npc that the server chooses. Firstly, before the game starts, everybody must have 300 den to pay the npc. As soon as the game starts, the npc takes away 300 den from each player. the five characters have to battle the npc in the song where the npc is good at. the bar on top indicates if all the five players are working together in fighting the npc. both the bar on top and the overall score of your "party" so to speak, must be higher than that of the npc at the end of the song in order to win the game. when you win the game, you will be given the den the npc promised to each one of the players which is indicated at the bottom of the name of the npc while choosing.
The one-two party mode is much like simon says wherein there is an npc at the start which says a series of numbers and points a series of directions. Afterwards, the players must press the numbers on the numpad which corresponds to the direction that the npc pointed to. The proper timing on the pressing of the numbers must be in sync with that of what the npc did in order to score. Well, thats pretty much all of what i can say about dance battle audition and have a good day! :D
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
1:36 AM
Labels: e-games, games, online game
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Trickster Online
Trickster Online... Well, as far as I can say, its one of those MMORPGs. There are 4 stat-based characters instead of classes and those are: Power, Sense, Charm, and Magic. These 4 have very different builds and you can choose between male and female of these characters. Each one has a different animal which it represents. In the power: male is a buffalo and female is a bunny; for the sense: male is a lion and female is a fox; for charm: male is a raccoon and female is a cat; for magic: male is a dragon and female is a sheep. While levelling, you have the option to do quests which would help you in levelling since when you finish these quests, you get a reward. The reward can be composed of either exp, items, galder(their money), pets, cards. During certain times of the year, they make an event quest in which the reward is something special. the rewards from these event quests are only obtainable through finishing these quests. the components for the quest and the rewards from these quests are also quite pricy during these times so people tend to stretch the price in their personal shops. Anyway, why don't you check it out for yourself and see if you like it? here's the site: CLICK ME!
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
7:46 PM
Labels: games, online game
Kanon 2006 part 2
Well, so far i have watched 4 episodes of Kanon 2006 and it seems to be a nice anime. The plot from the beginning is nice and really makes a person want to watch the further episodes. As far as I can say, it is about a guy who frequently went to his relative's place 7 years ago. The same person is now living in that house with his relative's daughter who he frequently spent time with 7 years ago. The thing is, the guy has forgotten almost everything that happened to him in that place 7 years ago.
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
7:22 PM
Kanon 2006
I'm just starting to watch the episodes i have on Kanon 2006. Hopefully it is nice so I could write nice comments about it tomorrow. Anyway, thats all for now and good day to all! :D
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
5:40 AM
Tropical Terror
As it happens, since i liked gaming, a friend of mine introduced me to text-based online games. I might post some text-based games here from time to time since I have and am still playing quite a number of them. One of those text-based online games is tropical terror. Its still pretty new so they are still improving the aspects of the game. This main objective of this game is pretty simple and that is to level up your character, upgrade your home, and become the top in rankings in your stats if you want to. the nice thing about the game is that when you upgrade your house, the stats that you gain will be higher. Anyways, it would be better to learn about it more for yourself. The people there are friendly anyway and would gladly offer help to new players. Oh, and if anybody wants to join, you can join here.
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Posted by
Ronel Embrador
3:41 AM
Labels: games, online, text-based game